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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> Glossary

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Term Definition
A (index)
all cent flyer makes thought good at [sport]
alley allows thought to time travel
and suffering curse of pain
ayren ac adenid create a plane
B (index)
B loock blows thought up
B S M undoes M S B
blacksmith creates an explosion
breakon kills thought after beating the thought's cleg\arm
by the power of 3 becomes 1 makes wizard's power the power of 3 or combines 3 powers
C (index)
C C cool water on fire sets water on fire
clat clam revives withered thought
clint O of animate makes an inanimate thought animate
clipper wire makes thought cry
clom makes thought's power go out
combelan soon cracker zoom terip cratus speed spell
coming undoes a magic spell
complete loot inside of a ghoul moves or transforms thought
confiscate takes [object] away from thought
cool or hot change it now stop it now change the cold temperature or the hot temperature changes temperature
create creates a creation burst from wand or hand
creation burst a burst of electricly charged matter that travells at 299792790.29 m/s(speed of light+speed of sound). It also includes creation magic burned ions
creation magic burned ions microscopic particles that litterly burn air as they travel at 1498963951.45 (creation burst * 5)
creation magic planet makes a planet in the magic dimension
creation magic Q planet makes a planet in the normal dimension
crez attack spell (green)
crillter romiz cuts thought with 1000 knives
cripto reases thought's memory
croonat A creates horns on thought
crop le tracking spell
cruel creates moving truck
cuffer handcuffs thought
D (index)
D N I W power spell of wind
dark evolution spell if you can't control this MEGA SUPER EXTRA FORBIDDEN MAX spell, you die
dark magic flow creates a flow of dark magic from wand tip SUPER SPELL
death start on the star creates controlled GRB (Gamma Ray Burst) from wand of from finger
dicac le bundee examines thought's DNA or mDNAm (magic DNA that is magical)
dlom makes money
doom across the land through water hazard takes it all mer never again forbidden tsunami spell
drink drunk drink makes thought appear drunk
drocer records thought
E (index)
E I l tookla changes thought's opinion on [topic]
effect transports thought to [place in magic dimension]
eln dragon controls dragon
elus play turns thought into musical instrument
emol confuses thought
end cursed seal of the apocalypse
enod su shovels snow or plants flowers
esav creates a cup of tea or coffee
est I B S L T wraps thought with thought
et arcum creates bow and arrow
etamina fo O linc undoes clint O of animate
evol retser bonds book to owner
exertus allows thought to "ste out of time"
exo- a spell's magic aura version
exo clack undoes exo clam
exo clam stops thought from using their magic aura (stops their magic in an almost in-reversable way)
exo criller romiz cuts thought with [number] aura-infused knives
exo extractus extracts magic aura into a white bubble on the wizard's head
exo grass is greener everything or thought can't touch thought for [duration or forever] because of magical aura
exo hex forbidden eradication of aura spell
exo M A G I C reverses spell using magic aura
exo plumps E infuses aura of [wizard] with [wand]
exo pluto dark evolution creates dark fire with magic aura
exo rijandel redirects magic aura SUPER MEGA AURA SPELL
exo shell dark evolution magic aura shield
exo shell field dark evolution aura force field
exo shield generate a shield or barrier made out of magic aura (advanced shield)
exo suffering makes curse of pain and injects it into magic aura
exo wand tip room up makes wand tip light up with magic aura
ezam creates a vase
F (index)
far grim too to two three four five six seven eight nine ten zero one good to bed for [centuries decades years months weeks days hours minutes seconds milliseconds] banishes thought past the dark dimension and through a black hole into the abyss Super Spell
fast away all makes thought go faster than thought or makes thought go [number less than 10000000]MPH
feal evomer removes leaves
felom allows [wizard] to take another thought's thought
female gragalt manelestae makes thought sing thought
fetEs nAvE dAd changes thought's language
final stage dark evolution makes wizard dark evolution wizards
flame create fire
fly thought can fly
for a pocket full of runners creates [food]
from come hole of the moon. Inside, a do V black hole makes a black hole SUPER SPELL
from the fire to the warer to the earth I banish thee to the dark dimension from the fire banishes thought to the dark dimension
G (index)
gelom create a fire
glaxo allows thought to travel at the speed of light
grass is greener thought can't touch thought for [duration]
GRB a burst of destructive light traveling at the speed of light
grow little big hair grows thought's hair
H (index)
H trade power spell of earth
hallbobeen spells spells with ixus on the end
hex forbidden eradication spell
hex strobe M lock O makes a spell permediant
hilom nor creates flying carpet
hilom or create red carpet
hoot oval creates pepper or salt
horror forbidden magic war
I (index)
I mole allows thought to win at [card game]
ilf undoes fly
incantesimo macchina creates spell-ular mechanism
inexertus undoes exertus
J (index)
jupiter dark evolution covers thought in shadows
K (index)
kisisb love charm
L (index)
L drag creates dragon
lampoo O la stops a magic spell
learning charm of learning
lem tell X combines powers
let it snow makes snow
lie lie lie me destroys coulter
light to dark changes good spells into bad/dark spells SUPER SPELL
lint rain create a sonic boom out of wand tip
lock off de-activates spells in spell book
lock on activates spells in spell book already sealed
loo ca creates water
lot of lock locks thought
M (index)
M A G I C reverses spell
M R N A reads thought their rights
M S B makes thought bigger or smaller
magic dimension wizard dimension
magic on allows a spell book to "power up magic" when spell is being read from spell book with a wand
male gristell decorates christmas tree
mar tac charmed hat
mars dark evoultion takes souls of thought
mercury dark evolution creates deadly poison in thought
mmmmmmmmmm creates magic (oldest spell)
mock ster makes a mummy
mockel creates a table
moon queen dark evoultion doubles power
moot moot yag mo dem undoes pulm med om toom la gay toom toom toom
mos la telt or last [name of other] signs thought as [[name]]
movie exertus allows thought to go into or change [movie, tv show]
muffin mage creates an explosion at thought
N (index)
no cool makes cage
no man makes thought out of snow
not pot rot transforms thought into thought
nothing all forbidden spells can be used and their power doubled
number go numbers pages in book
O (index)
obey curse of obeying
oln dragon makes a [wizard] into a dragon
ontimidin twin lavidgoo makes thought look like thought
oppos [spell] the opposite of [spell] (does not work on a lot of spells)
P (index)
P Z V T I moves thought
paper or paper or makes paper
perif power spell of fire
petal turns flower into poison
pig request a change in law
plumps E turns thought into magic wand
pluto dark evolutioncreates dark fire
pock makes thought see the "most horrible visions"
podock makes thought see thought
pop attack spell (red)
pop corn excape from a magic spell
prigione la mia focaccina puts thought in jail
pulm med om toom la gay toom toom toom disables one of 6 senses ( magic, sight, hearing, feeling, taste, smell) Super Spell
R (index)
R lock off de-activates [spell] in spell book
red U L finishes thought
rehtegot makes thought and thought stick together
ren co ren co ren co low low sun spell
re-taw power spell of water
riden makes sleigh or car or airplane or helecopter
rig lift rag at makes thought's wish come true
ris OlE allows thought to read thought's mind
room up lights thought up
S (index)
santa 1 point 3 makes thought fat
saturn dark evolution brings out a giant spider
seal off un-seals spell book
seal on seals spell book
selgom extinguishes a fire
sepor makes a rope
shadow dark evolution turtures thought
shell dark evolution shield
shield generates a shield or barrier
si kills thought
sloob turns wand back to wand
sloop turns wand into surfboard
smellers hightens thought's sense of smell
snapa A makes a dead thought become alive
so blows up thought's head
song changes thought to a song
soonare un campanelo makes a bell sound
submit on submits book for publishing
subus creates bus
T (index)
tell me tell me creates 1/8 coulter
telm creates a maze
tento shields thought from thought
throughour transports thought to thought
to do is I tippa master and create destroy infect the hazard 3 or 5 through the land from the ocean magic tornado or hurricane FORBIDDEN SPELL
toolip attack spell (pink)
toxins roxy kills thought
trouble creates a turkey
U (index)
un no yes bite unlocks locked thought
utopia dark evolutionthought
uuuaa stops magic aura from spreading (advanced uuuuu)
uuuuu stops a magic spell
V (index)
venus dark evolution destroys shadows
vevil mass removes thought's organs
vick tor E A m zim cook allows thought to commit thought to memory
vile moon tune cast at midnight on halloween to preserve magic
W (index)
wand tip room up makes wand tip light up
what spilells end with us
white red green makes christmas tree
who allows the casting wizard to see thought's name
wigilminit makes thought's heart start or stop
wind race charm of clear mind
wizard dimension magic dimension
world allows thought to travel in between the wizard dimension and the normal dimension
X (index)
X green un power spell
X Y Z parilizes thought
Y (index)
your hot and your cold fluctuates temperature
Z (index)
z beam attack spell (blue)
Z crem atack spell (yellow)
Z list creates pants
zap creates electricity